National Policy Statement For Geological Disposal Infrastructure - Implementing Geological Disposal

Closed 19 Apr 2018

Opened 25 Jan 2018


Government policy is to permanently dispose of our higher activity radioactive waste through geological disposal.

Geological disposal involves placing radioactive waste in an engineered facility deep underground, keeping it away from people and the environment. It is acknowledged across the world as the best available option for dealing with radioactive waste on a long-term basis, one that does not require active waste management by future generations. It is a responsible public service to our future society.

The National Policy Statement will guide developers when preparing, and the Planning Inspectorate and the Secretary of State when considering, applications for development consent relating to geological disposal infrastructure.

This consultation seeks views on the accompanying non-site specific draft National Policy Statement. This consultation also seeks views on the accompanying Appraisal of Sustainability report and Habitats Regulations Assessment report, which are supporting environmental appraisals to the draft National Policy Statement.

This National Policy Statement provides the framework for decision making on development consent applications for the construction of geological disposal infrastructure in England, and beneath the seabed in waters adjacent to England up to the seaward limits of the territorial sea. However, the associated Appraisal of Sustainability and Habitats Regulations Assessment, which inform this National Policy Statement, consider the potential socio-economic and environmental impacts of geological disposal infrastructure (located in England) on Wales and Scotland, given their common borders with England. Although the National Policy Statement only covers England, responses to this consultation are welcomed from throughout the UK.

Find out more

This video provides an induction for the National Policy Statement and Working with Communities consultations:



Why your views matter

The purpose of this consultation is to gather views on whether the draft National Policy Statement for Geological Disposal Infrastructure provides an appropriate and effective framework for the Planning Inspectorate and the Secretary of State to examine and make decisions on development consent applications for geological disposal infrastructure in England. National Policy Statements set out the need for particular Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects, and are required, under the Planning Act 2008, to undergo a period of public consultation before they are formally approved ('designated').

How To Respond

You can respond using the online survey (see below).

If you would prefer not to respond online, you can respond by post to:

GDF Team
3rd Floor, Victoria
1 Victoria Street

When responding please state whether you are responding as an individual or representing the views of an organisation.

When considering responses to this consultation, the government will give greater weight to responses that are based on argument and evidence, rather than simple expressions of support or opposition.

What Happens Next

The Government will consider all comments received and, if necessary, the draft National Policy Statement will be revised to take account of consultation responses and the recommendations from Parliamentary scrutiny, prior to approval (‘designation’) of the National Policy Statement.


  • Nuclear
  • General public
  • Local government
  • Non-Government Organisations
  • Civil Society Organisations


  • Nuclear