Power with carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS): call for evidence

Closed 17 Oct 2022

Opened 25 Jul 2022


This call for evidence seeks views and evidence on how government can best support the continued deployment of power with CCUS projects into the 2030s beyond Track-1 of the Cluster Sequencing process.

Topics covered include:

  • competitive allocation design for power with CCUS
  • the evolution of the business model used to support power with CCUS
  • the development of the power with CCUS sector and supply chain
  • how power with CCUS could operate under future market arrangements

For the purposes of this call for evidence, ‘power with CCUS’ refers to dispatchable gas-fired power generation with CCUS. We are engaging separately on bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS).

This call for evidence will be of interest to:

  • anybody involved in, or impacted by, the development of power with CCUS projects
  • those interested in the decarbonisation of the electricity sector as whole

Read the consultation document on GOV.UK.


  • Low carbon technologies
  • Investment


  • Carbon capture and storage